April 24, 2011

Poor weather and another night on the ice...

The team phoned in today to say that their scheduled pick up was delayed due to bad weather. When they woke they had very windy conditions (around 20 miles per hour) with low visibility and snow. They thought there might be a break in the bad weather but even though conditions did improve slightly the plan is to spend the night on the ice. They will check back in with the Borneo basecamp tomorrow morning, and they hope to fly back to Longyearbyen tomorrow afternoon.

The PolarExplorers flag in a lull between gusts of wind.

One day of tent time after skiing the last degree to the North Pole is nice, and relaxing. Two days and you start to get a little antsy. No doubt they are having visions of long, hot showers, and dreams of sleeping in a bed with clean sheets and a deep mattress. Ahhh.... The team has now drifted 4 miles from the North Pole in the 48 hours that they have been in this camp. Let's all keep our finger's crossed that they make it back to Longyearbyen tomorrow!

Make sure to listen to the audio post below. Nikki would like to pass along birthday greetings to her mom. Happy Birthday Nikki's Mom!

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